Work As Executed and As-Built Survey

Survey conducted after construction or development activities are completed to document and verify the actual positions, dimensions, elevations, and configurations of the constructed elements. This survey serves to compare the final constructed features with the original design plans and specifications.

What’s Include:

  • Connect survey to Australian Height Datum (AHD) or Local Height Datum;
  • Work as executed on any new built services or features;
  • Overlay survey information on approved design drawings;
  • Making sure clearly describe its important information, for example, pipe size, pit size, stormwater tank size and invert and obvert levels related to Australian Height Datum;
  • Final Work as Executed plan will be signed by Registered Surveyor.
47/8 Avenue of the Americas, Newington, 2127
Monday - Friday : 9AM - 5PM
(+61) 426 668 800